The birth of a new baby is always cause for celebration. Whether you are the new mom or a close friend, you want to do something special to commemorate the happy occasion. A baby shower for mom and her little one is always appropriate. It provides a venue for everyone to meet the new arrival and it always serves as a way for all those who care for the mom and dad to give a small token of their affection. If you happen to be contributing to the organization of the event there's a fun way to make it extra memorable. A baby shower candy bar wrapper is easy to create and is a nice keepsake for mom, baby and everyone in attendance.

A baby shower candy bar wrapper is easy and very inexpensive to make. There are several different approaches to this and they all work really well. If you have a small image of the newborn you should incorporate that into the wrapper's design. This will serve as a lovely reminder to all the guests of what the baby first looked like when he or she was born. Babies change so dramatically, so quickly, so this is a really nice thing to have. It's also a good idea to tuck away one of the candy bar wrappers for the baby to have when they grow up. It's always fun to look back at what you looked like when you were small.

Another really fun and inventive idea that involves a baby shower candy bar wrapper is to use the wrapper as an invitation. Instead of going the traditional route of sending out paper invitations or emailing them, you can make a wrapper that includes all the needed details. The address where the shower is being held, the date and time, and how to RSVP are all necessary. You can create these wrappers to fit on either large chocolate bars or the mini size ones. Have a few extra on hand in case shower guests want one or two to take home.

Mailing these generally isn't that great of an idea so take a day out of your schedule to hand deliver them. Bring along some images of the baby 
schoko adventskalender  and his or her parents so party goers can get a little glimpse into what the new bundle of joy looks like. Remember to deliver one to the new mom as well, so she can ensure she's ready to celebrate her new baby's birth with everyone she cares about.

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