Rock candy is a simple sugar candy made of large sugar crystals. The process takes up to a week to make rock candy. It is usually made by supersaturated solution of sugar and water to crystallize on a string or a mold. Color can also be added to produce colored candy. Just anyone loves candy and it is handy to always have some in your home in case some guests come to visit. Here's a simple guideline in making rock candy.

To begin, you need the following tools to make rock candy:

• Clean glass jars to store candies
• Large mixing bowl
• Clean cotton string
• Medium metal saucepan
• Table spoon for stirring
• Measuring cups
• Popsicle sticks or wooden skewers

The ingredients needed are:

• 1 cup water
• 2 cups granulated sugar
• Food coloring
• Flavoring

Steps to make rock candy:

1. Cut a string long enough to tie around the popsicle stick or wooden skewer and hang into the jar but make sure it does not touch the bottom or sides. Cut it on the end if it is still too long. Saturate the end of the string with the sugar solution and let it dry for a few minutes.

2. Boil 1 cup water in the saucepan.

3. Add the sugar slowly by stirring it constantly until it dissolves. You can add a little corn syrup for flavor. Sugar solution is very hot and children will need adult supervision.

4. For clear rock candy, use the sugar solution. For colored crystals, add a drop or more of food coloring and stir well.

5. Pour sugar water into the jar. Make sure you do not pour the undissolved sugar into the jar. Discard undissolved sugar.
Cover the jar with paper towel and leave it aside for a couple of days for chunks of crystals to form. Crystals will grow in 2 to 4 hours up to a couple of days.

6. On the day that your candy has formed, remove it from the jar by pulling the string and break it into small pieces.

7. You may replace the string for popsicle stick or lollipop stick to make lollipop candy.

Now that you have your finished product, the long wait is worth your while. Rock candies are truly a delight to offer to your house guests. Not only that, rock candy is a sweet colorful treat and can also be a unique gift. For children, they can get a good cooking (and science!) lesson from it. So have fun and enjoy as you make rock candy.

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